东芝CT机spellman电源维修CT42 CT70北京 SPELLMAN高压电源广泛应用于东芝CT机XVISION/EX、AUKLET系列、ASTEION系列、以及多排系列。故障代码及诊断方法大致相同,部分故障代码排查参考如下 Error contents (note 1) Cause of problem Object part 24kW 48kW/60kW E13 Arc- Cathode side Arc of the X-ray tube or the high-voltage section TUBE, INV/HV TUBE, INV/HVC E25 Arc+ Anode side Arc of the X-ray tube or the high-voltage section TUBE, INV/HVA E12 Over kV- Cathode side overvoltage. Abnormal main circuit control. INV/HV, SCB INV/HVC, SCB E27 Over kV+ Anode side overvoltage. Abnormal main circuit control. INV/HVA, SCB E62 Over mA- Cathode side overcurrent of the X-ray tube or the high-voltage section. TUBE, INV/HV, SCB TUBE, INV/HVC,SCB E63 Over mA+ Anode side overcurrent of the X-ray tube or the high-voltage section. TUBE, INV/HVA,SCB E66 MAC error Filament current abnormal. Trouble of the filament heatig circuit. INV/HV, SCB INV/HVC, SCB E0 Regulation error (HV abnormal) There is a difference in binding output and real output INV/HV, AC/C INV/HVC, INV/HVA, AC/C spellman电源维修CT机高压电源维修CT70PN50X4218北京 医疗设备高压电源维修高压发生器维修北京天浦正达高压电源专业维修 Spellman高压电源XRM/PCM50/70维修射频电源北京 Spellman高压电源XRM50P50X3768维修射频电源北京 spellman高压电源维修高压发生器控制单元维修北京 医疗设备高压电源维修高压发生器维修北京天浦正达高压电源专业维修